Sunday, January 16, 2011

confession me to world

actually dah penat dah dgr org duk bgi kita down ..bukannya x leyh bgun blik tapi ni sbb rsa sakit hati ..y they need to make other people down when they go down to..if u feel u ugly then u go and ugly by urself dont drag people into ur world..if someone get better thing than u so WHAT?? u jealous becoz u dont get it..hey come on lah sometimes world  not fair for us just accept lah..u feel unsatisfied bout urself so u need someone to please urself so y u take me along in ur story ..dont u think u want me to kick ur ass so u can shut up ur dirty mouth..hate lahh..sometimes our own peoples talk bad bout us even we dont disturb their life..wat u need actually can u tell me face to face..this wat we called 'IDOT AND ARROGANT PERSON'..IF people dont like u then u make gossip something bout that person..who r u to their life..sometimes u are nothing..juz becoz i shut up my mouth u think u can step on my back ..aku bukannya jenis yang nak maki hamun kat orang tapi kalo nak rsa bleyh try lah mai bgi api..sabar lama dah lah tu pon pendam lagi sbb rsa dya ni x lah melampau sangat tpi lama2 duk bgi muka awat ang ingt ang sapa???? lagi satu yg geram nak mati suka duk wat ayat style dya ja eg: "bwat smart bleyh ingt style lah" "ang duk wat pala pa" and "duk wat capap pa" HELLO !! wat ur problem dah mmg i smart kot and dah mmg i ada kepala so wat u care??? aku senyap ja lah lepas kena ayat tuh sbb malaih nak layan org gila lah kan tpi kalo tiap2 ari org gila tuh duk wat ayat hawaq dya mmg sakit hati kot..awat ampa ingt hbeh stylo lah kalo bleyh bwat orang sakit hati..kadang2 ayat tuh lah yg bleyh bwat ampa jumpa maut so better lah jga attitude ngn perangai jgn duk men ngahadap ja..kalo rsa lama dah tgok dunia nak tgok kubur lak buat lagi lah ayat tuh kat sapa2 kalo kat ku x kesah sgt sbb ku x dak lah smpai nak bunuh tpi try kat mat rempit ka ah long ka pencuri ka x pon ngn polis mmg jwapannya kubur ingt2 lah mulut tu jgan celupar sangt kalo mpa rsa lebih style dri orang mpa salah sbb ada lgi yg lagi style dri mpa soo better shut up before it make u looks so stupid with ur own word
kepada YANG BERASA tunggu pa lagi x reti2 mai mintak maaf kat org yg mpa bgi sakit hati!!

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